Business Lessons from Nature

Business Lessons from Nature Symbiosis Plants grow flowers to attract pollinating insects. Your business should do likewise to att...

Business Lessons from Nature


Plants grow flowers to attract pollinating insects. Your business should do likewise to attract customers. Large, vibrant flowers that emit a sweet fragrance attracts bees and butterflies. Appealing aesthetics that engages the senses attracts customers. The relationship should be symbiotic: both sides interact with and mutually benefit from one another. The insects help pollinate the plants, and the plants offer nectar to them in return. Your business should not only take from your customers, but also offer incentives to reward them.


Make structural and/or behavioral adaptations to adjust to your environment. A rabbit that lives in a forest habitat is brown to camouflage with the ground, while a rabbit that lives in a snowy habitat is white. Similarly, different businesses should adapt accordingly in order to survive and thrive.


Change for the better. Organisms evolve, businesses pivot. This is the process of natural selection, and the survival of the fittest.

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