Learning Presentation Skills from Steve Jobs

Learning Presentation Skills from Steve Jobs (Inspired by Steve Jobs Presentation Skills ) Theme : have a theme and stick tightly ...

Learning Presentation Skills from Steve Jobs

(Inspired by Steve Jobs Presentation Skills)

  1. Theme: have a theme and stick tightly to it
  2. Hook: start with a short, simple and memorable headline
  3. Story: sell with stories
  4. Visual: a picture tells a thousand words
  5. Simple: keep your message simple (e.g. there are far more accurate ways to do it = more accurate)
  6. Smile: smile and have fun (tell jokes, share relevant funny anecdotes, e.g. Steve Jobs prank called a Starbucks during his 2007 iPhone presentation and ordered 4000 cups of lattes)
  7. Don't narrate: don't read from notes or the slides
  8. Enthusiasm: infect your audience with your enthusiastic and passionate (e.g. Steve Jobs used words like "fantastic", "amazing", "incredible")
  9. Surprise: have a magic 
  10. Sign-posting: before you share your points, tell your audience what you are going to share with them; after you share your points, recap and summarise them again (e.g. Before: "Now, I am going to tell you three things about the iPhone: 1...2...3..." and After: "The iPhone is 1...2...3...")
  11. Inspire: end with something uplifting and inspiring (e.g. inspirational quote)

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