Inspiring Business Concepts

Inspiring Business Concepts Here's a list of some of my favourites business concepts that I stumbled upon on the Internet: Sen...

Inspiring Business Concepts

Here's a list of some of my favourites business concepts that I stumbled upon on the Internet:

Sen Sound

An organisation that aims to transform sound experience in hospitals.

They have several projects, including:
  • My Last Sound: create a "sound will" for dying patients, to play them the last sound that they wish to hear at the end of their life
  • Tranquility Room: create an immersive relaxation space, filled with soothing ambient sound, dim light and aromatherapy

Small Acts of Goodness

The Small Act of Goodness website each morning sends an e-mail to subscribers, giving them a small, fun task to implement, which will make people smile.

Project Jacquard

Conductive threads developed by Google that combine metallic alloys with natural and synthetic yarns to create connected, touch-sensitive textiles that transform everyday objects like clothes and furniture into interactive surfaces.

Wholesome Wave

US non-profit organisation Wholesome Wave empowers under-served consumers to make healthier food choices by increasing affordable access to fresh, local food. 

Under their Produce Prescription program, doctors and nutritionists provide $1/day produce prescriptions, which can be redeemed for fresh fruits and vegetables at participating markets and grocery stores.

The Shoe That Grows

Started by Because International, a US non-profit organisation that believes in practical compassion and making things better by making better things.

The Shoe That Grows is a shoe that can adjust and expand 5 sizes and last up to 5 years. It comes in a SMALL (fitting kids ages 5-10) and LARGE (fitting kids ages 10-15). So far The Shoe has been in 20 countries impacting thousands of children helping them have long-lasting shoes to protect their feet.


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