The Unexpected Benefit of Celebrating Faiilure

The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure Astro Teller , the head of X (formerly Google X) shares about the unexpected and unconve...

The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure

Astro Teller, the head of X (formerly Google X) shares about the unexpected and unconventional approach they have at the moonshot factory:

  • Breaking things, instead of building things 
  • Proving you're wrong, instead of proving you're right
  • Doing the hardest part of the problem first, instead of doing the easiest
  • Thinking about how to kill your project, instead of how to keep your project alive
  • Making failure safe, instead of dangerous
  • Rewarding failure, instead of successes
  • Crazy ideas, instead of sensible ideas

At X, people try their best to fail. They receive applause, hugs, high fives, promotions and bonuses whenever they kill a project.

It may seem counter-intuitive but perhaps we should ask ourselves - how do we succeed at failing?

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