Tomato Entrepreneurship

How do you sell sliced tomatoes? I read the most interesting story about selling tomatoes from the Dare Start Business blog today. ...

How do you sell sliced tomatoes?

I read the most interesting story about selling tomatoes from the Dare Start Business blog today.

You walk down a sidewalk and suddenly see a man at a stall selling sliced tomatoes. Would you buy the sliced tomatoes from the man? 

Probably not.

You walk on a little more, and see a second stall with another man selling sliced tomatoes. However, the sliced tomatoes he's selling comes together with two slices of bread, cheese, ham and lettuce. He has a selection of sauces like mayo and ketchup and chilli that you can choose from for free. If you pay 50 cents more, he'll throw in a cup of iced lemon tea too.

You'd probably be more willing to buy the sliced tomatoes from the second man than the first.

This story of tomatoes teaches entrepreneurs about the value of creating added value.

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