Make Me Pulse 2017 I love their use of pastel rainbow colours and the interactive style. You can light up a bulb, snap photos on a P...

What businesses can learn from Willy Wonka Create  crazy creative products  (e.g. Three Course Dinner Chewing Gum, Everlasting Gob...

Interactive websites Sortie en mer makes use of the  first-person POV with highly effective audio, visuals, video and responsive sc...

The gift economy The Kula Ring is a ceremonial exchange system practiced in the island communities of Papua New Guinea. Participants ...

Everyone's doing email newsletters... So you have to do something different to stand out.  Some of my favourites include: ...

Independence and ingenuity "Whenever someone tells me that they can't figure out how to raise the first $25,000 they need to...

Tips from The Startup Playbook From the book by David Kidder When there’s a disagreement about anything in the company, talk to yo...

Business Lessons from Nature Symbiosis Plants grow flowers to attract pollinating insects. Your business should do likewise to att...

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs From the book by Carmine Gallo What is the one big idea you want to leave with your audi...

Learning Presentation Skills from Steve Jobs (Inspired by Steve Jobs Presentation Skills ) Theme : have a theme and stick tightly ...

Advertising exercises from The Advertising Concept Book by Pete Barry Hard Sell vs Soft Sell Take a basic hard sell ad (eg a basic...

Be creative with the medium Double-page magazine spreads are one of the most creative uses of medium. Tabasco Adidas ...

Imagine a room of imagination Leave gaps for the audience to fill for themselves.  Let them get that "aha" moment .

Volkswagen has the best ads I love the minimalism, the provocativeness and the cleverness of their ads. It's especially ...

The power of words An excellent example of powerful copywriting in the simple yet stunning text-only "Everyday URL" ad by L...